Thursday, April 9, 2020

Remote work checklist

Remote working, virtual learning, online living—the COVID-19 situation has required a shift from all of us. For many, this includes working from home. While a few space and routine necessities might seem obvious to some people, chances are we haven't thought of everything. Chances are we need reminders. Check out this infographic for nine factors to help you stay healthy while working remotely. Whether you've done it for years, or this is your first time occasionally working in pajamas, we're convinced there is something on this list you haven't thought of. Have a look.


Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Seven tips to manage your mental health and well-being during the COVID-19 outbreak

We're living in extraordinary times—there's no denying that for most people around the world, life is different since the introduction of the coronavirus. These are increasingly stressful times, yet humans have persevered throughout history. It's what we do, how we're designed. Besides our press-on spirit, never before have we been so well-equipped with tools to help us through this challenge. Clinical psychologist Desiree Dickerson shares her professional insight on best ways we can take care of ourselves in her article, "Seven Tips to Manage Your Mental Health and Well-being During the COVID-19 Outbreak." One of Dickerson's tips is to manage expectations. Routines are changing, and while some people might have more time to increase productivity, many others will experience new challenges: "Difficulty concentrating, low motivation and a state of distraction are to be expected," states Dickerson. She cautions to "not underestimate the cognitive and emotional load" that COVID-19 brings. Adapting to a new rhythm—one that includes remote work and fewer real-time connections—will take patience and effort. Read Dickerson's entire article for suggestions on taking care of your mental well-being during this difficult time. We think this is a topic that every person should discuss--please consider sharing this article with organizations, neighbors, friends—everybody could benefit.


Thursday, April 2, 2020

Data is more complex than ever. Transform data into insights with SQL Server 2019

Moving data isn't always easy. There are more than 340 types of databases in use today and moving data across them presents challenges for any IT team. At Deevita, we have years of experience helping businesses find the IT solutions that can keep up with their constantly evolving business practice. Whether you need a solution for storage, data transfer, or just need to gain better insights from your data, we can help. Contact us today to learn more.

View: Data is more complex than ever. Transform data into insights with SQL Server 2019

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Data Center Isn't Dying, But It Is Changing

There's no doubt that the nature of IT infrastructure is changing. According to some, it could spell the end of datacenters as we know them. Likely, that won't happen for many years. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't plan for the future. At Deevita, we can help you plan, implement, and optimize your cloud-based IT infrastructure for whatever the future may hold. Contact us today to set up a meeting.